Today stayed in office until quite late, exam at Monday, so have to put more effort, but ended up reading chat message in circles99, haha…
When reach Bukit Jalil LRT station, I noticed the moon was so bright and beautiful, especially under the river beside the station (although now already become a big drain -_-“). Thought of took some photos but feel lazy, somemore no tripod… So just continue my journey to home, then received a SMS from Siew Pei, my old college mate, reminded me to watch the moon. Then I only have the guts to take photo… wasted le, if took at LRT station will be better, shouldn’t think too much, should follow the philosophy ‘Don’t think, just shoot’…
Well these are the photos taken, quite blur… sigh my camera can’t perform well in night time, when can i get a SLR? @-@
hey fook! siewwei made me took these too ..haha
what? old college mate? no, not at all! i’m still very young! haha! 😉 come to think of it, yea, we have know each other for one, two… five years!
Old friend, next time… don’t think, just shoot!
i saw it on that day too! it was sooo big and clear! hey, get 350d canon, not too expensive and very effective!
wah also need “thousand thousand sound” wor, haha, thanks for suggestion 🙂