Previously I had big problems with comment spamming in my blog. The moron spammers sent rubbish comments in to my comment box even though my blog is not famous at all =.=
To maintain the tidiness of my blog, I set the setting that all comments to be held for moderation before appear on the blog, and I’ve even installed an anti spam plug-in (with text in the image) to prevent spam. However these spam robots are too smart to guess the image text and manage to get through. It was a nightmare to clean up the rubbish everyday, and my blog readers cannot have their comment being viewed immediately after submitted.
At last, I tried Akismet that installed together with WordPress. After getting a API key from, I started to use Akismet to assist me to deal with the moron spammers. After few weeks, I’ve found out that Akismet does a very good job on fighting spam. Now I just need go into the blocked comments to check whether Akismet has blocked the wrong comments accidentally. Fortunately Akismet didn’t kill a comment wrongly, so far.
Now I decided to set the new comments to be visible directly after my readers submitting their comments, because I can rest assure that no (or may be only little) spam comments can get through Akismet 😉
I am also looking for anti spam comments.. I din know that Akismet is default from wordpress.. Great.. let me install mine..
I followed yours also.. hope it works..
I wanted to recommend you Akismet before I saw you said you also using Akismet liao. Hehe.