Don’t know who to vote? Perhaps these photos would help you.
Toll price hike
Photo above from LensaMalaysia
Police Brutality – KLCC 060528
Photos from MalaysiaKini
Police Brutality – BERSIH gathering
Police Brutality – HINDRAF
High crime rate
Altantuya Shaariibuu
Canny Ong
Chee Gaik Yap
Mat Rempits
Police power misused
Low quality projects – MRR2
Low quality projects – fungus hospitals
Hospital Ampang
Hospital Sultan Ismail
Photos from The Star
Wasting money projects – luxury toilet
photos from Jeff Ooi
Chinese schools problem
Photos from
Mr. Chan Boon Heng – a Chinese school teacher fell to his death when a decayed plywood floor of a two-storey school block, September 11, 2005
photos from
Johor flood
Photos from Jeff Ooi
KL flood
Chinese Temples demolition
Hindu Temples demolition
Photos from,
Kampung Berembang
Photos above from
Kampung Rimba Jaya
Photos from Jerit
Racism – Hishammuddin
Racism – UMNO
photo from MalaysiaKini
Gangster culture
Photo from
Unfair election
Gerrymandering, phantom voters, cancelled the use of indelible ink, over budget campaign fees, unfair advertisements channels, lack of debate forums between parties, lies…
Enough is ENOUGH!!
ps. Images were sourced from Internet using Google Image search, I’ve tried to state the origins but most of them I’ve collected them quite long ago and forgotten where were they from. If you think your photos being used in the post and would like me to remove them, or you would like to add your blogs URL under your photos, please let me know and I will do so. Thank you.
點解我哋仲è¦æŠ•æˆ‘哋手上嘅一票俾啲åªè˜äº‚å’浪費纳税人啲錢,åªè˜å¾—æ¬ºè² æ‰‹ç„¡æ®ºé›žä¹‹åŠ›å˜…æ˜Ÿæ–—å¸‚æ°‘å˜…BNï¼
大家é½é½å‡ºåšŸä¼ç¡¬æ™’馬,咪ç‰ä½¢å“‹ä»¥ç‚ºæˆ‘å“‹çœŸä¿‚æˆ†é¸ é¸ ï¼ˆå””å¥½æ„æ€ï¼Œæœ‰å°‘少用詞éŽç²—æ·»~)先得嘅。
Vote for better tomorrow. Every vote count.
I’ve used this post and forward in email to others to create more awareness. Hope u won’t mind 🙂
ahfook: of coz not, pls forward more 😉
sekali pandang apa yg kita nampak adalah keganasan, kehancuran rakyat, pecah belah kaum.orang malaysia cakap x serupa buat, pada pendapat saya ada baiknya kita rakyat malaysia perlu mengamalkan sikap “HORMAT” agar setiapa mata yg di pandang akan di iringikan HORMAT…
Good work. Congratultions
yang aku heram … apa motif gambar nie di tunjuk kan ?
jika dihalusi…..pihah pdrm mendapat tempat untuk tujuan cemuhan,pra-pekara yang berlaku,..
cara gambar ini dikeluarkan hanya mengfokes pada cara memutamatkan setiap salah laku aksi -aksi tertentu.tapi….siapa yang patut dipersalahkan dalam soal ini…..pemerintah…kah,
parti lawan pemerintah…kah,atau orang awam yang menilai sesuatu secara rawak & drastik,
-dalam aturcara yang disifatkan menyalahi undang-undang ini……”fahami betul-betul………..
apa propaganda dalam ketidak-puasan hati dari penyokong kerajaan,penyokong penentang kerajaan serta pihak luar dalam berperanan menaikkan sesuatu sentimen,cita-cita & nama,untuk peribadi…….mesti ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi disebalik semua ini…………………….HIDUP DACING……
Ah Fook,
All photo must be label with number for people to refer to when write their comment.
@aman ape ke ngokngek nye ko ni?? boleh pulak tnya soalan bodoh