3 days before my 30th birthday, I went to have my second tattoo that I always wanted to do. It was 4 years after my first tattoo. This time I did a Polynesian tattoo at my left leg. Rachel and I planned to do it at same day however my tattoo was too complicated and… Continue reading Tattoo Before 30 Years Old
Category: Current Affairs
Happy belated birthday, Nelson Mandela
Happy belated birthday, Nelson Mandela, thanks for your efforts to end the apartheid in South Africa, you have shown that is possible to have racial equality. It’s a difficult process and a lot to be sacrificed, I understand it because in Malaysia also have problem of racial discrimination, especially from some politic parties. 18th July is… Continue reading Happy belated birthday, Nelson Mandela
Police – Our Public Servant?
Police is a professional occupation, they receive salary from the tax money that paid by every single people in a country, to protect the civilians and fight with the crime. So in many countries, police are called ‘public servant’. However, this is not quite applicable in Malaysia. With the high crime rate in Malaysia, our… Continue reading Police – Our Public Servant?
Broga Hill at Labor Day 2009
The name of ‘Broga Hill’ gets famous lately, especially after few of my friends (Afoi, Clive, Seng Kit, Nicky, Swee Ching…) went there took photos, their photos are just great. So when my photography friend Victor asked me whether interested to go visit Broga Hill at Labor Day, I confirmed my attendance to him instantly. 7… Continue reading Broga Hill at Labor Day 2009
Do you still remember?
2008-03-08, we have created history of Malaysia, and kicked UMNO’s ass.
One month in Taiwan (II)
Been back to Malaysia for almost 1 week, it’s time for me to report about my second month I stayed in Taiwan 😛 Unlike the first month, this month the working schedule was not too tight, I able to walk around this time, to Taipei, Sun Moon Lake (日月æ½) and Feng Jia night market(逢甲夜市). And… Continue reading One month in Taiwan (II)