Dong Tai Du 2 Promo Video

One year after Dong Tai Du music fest (动态度音乐节), now comes the BIGGER 2nd Dong Tai Du music fest, with more bands, more creative stalls, more stages and more creative promo video (for first Dong Tai Du promo video, click here)! Here is the promo video for the 2nd Dong Tai Du music fest. The… Continue reading Dong Tai Du 2 Promo Video

Beyond Fans Gathering 2008

It’s been 1 years plus since last KL Beyond fans gathering. This time we had it again, because of the visit of Amelia and Vinny from Johore. At the same time we have guests from Penang too! 😀 This time we had 15 people in the gathering. Co-incidently, the room assigned to us was same the… Continue reading Beyond Fans Gathering 2008

Categorized as Music Tagged

Urban Scapes 2008

Went to KLue Urban Scapes 2008 yesterday. The event was held at KLPAC, quite a nice place with beautiful scenes. I was quite tired because need to walk and stand for 6 hours as they have quite a number of stages, flea market and galleries. Watched my favourite bands like The Otherside Orchestra (with my favourite song ‘Eksperimentasi… Continue reading Urban Scapes 2008

Don Tai Du Music fest

After prepared for few months, Dong Tai Du music fest finally rock the world successfully last weekend. First of all I would like to thank Ah Tat for giving me a great opportunity to join the event as photographer, it’s a great honor and pleasure. Then thanks to Rachel bringing Ler Ler to the gig.… Continue reading Don Tai Du Music fest

DTD Music Fest Promo Clip

DTD Music Fest is going to blast next weekend. This is a big music & art event for local indie music and art scene. From rock bands to electronical groups, from illustrators to photographers, from T-shirt artists to comic artists… All of them will gather at Central Market, The Annexe, next Saturday from noon till… Continue reading DTD Music Fest Promo Clip

My Fav MV (1) – Star Guitar

This is my all time favourite music video, “Star Guitar” by The Chemical Brothers. See if you could find out how the visual relate to the music 😉

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