Flowers to China Sichuan earthquake victims

Flowers from Live Messenger users to China Sichuan Earthquake victims. May the strength be with them.

Categorized as Weblogs

Comment is opened

Previously I had big problems with comment spamming in my blog. The moron spammers sent rubbish comments in to my comment box even though my blog is not famous at all =.= To maintain the tidiness of my blog, I set the setting that all comments to be held for moderation before appear on the blog, and I’ve… Continue reading Comment is opened

Congratulations, my dear

Yesterday my dear finally received her Bsc. Degree from APIIT, although she is brilliant enough in her career without the Degree. 🙂 The convo ceremony was held in Grand Ballroom of Renaissance hotel KL, quite lots of graduates and guests at there (at least 1000 i guess). Met some old mates, had an expensive lunch,… Continue reading Congratulations, my dear

This incredibly right!!

Sad but true… Sad to those good policemen (if there is any), sad to be Malaysian, sad on the government, sad… sad… sad… Copyright by Zunar of CartoonKini


Yesterday when I went to meet my dear in Ampang, I was turned in from MRR2 into the main road heading to Dagang, suddenly a motor jus turned out from the right junction and cross in front of me, i was able to break my my car and gave the motor a long horn. However… Continue reading Accident

Happy birthday to Melvin and Esther

October of every year, we celebrate birthday for a lovely and long lasting couple Melvin (10th Oct) and Esther (8th Oct). This year we celebrated at Neway Cheras Karaoke with bunch of old friends. Nice gathering, happy and crazy moments. Just one black spot of the night, the system cut-off our last song, this is… Continue reading Happy birthday to Melvin and Esther

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