10 Years with Google Chrome

It’s been 10 years of using Google Chrome. I still remember my first encounter with Google Chrome, when I was working in Taiwan. A lot of things happened in these 10 years, new technologies born and die, companies rise and fall, from HTTP to HTTPS, from IE to Google Chrome, from PC to mobile, from… Continue reading 10 Years with Google Chrome

Setup virtual directory on Apache in Windows XP

Years ago, I developed PHP in Windows using IIS (Internet Information Services) as web server. I had no problem to setup virtual directories under IIS because I could just right click the web server and click Add Virtual Directory. However now I am using Apache in Windows XP, I need to configure the virtual directory… Continue reading Setup virtual directory on Apache in Windows XP

Ubuntu 9.04

Downloaded Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) last night. Burned into CD and had a quick test with Live CD. It’s greatly improved, now I do not need Google all around just to get my TP-LINK TL-WN321G wireless adapter to work, the driver is included and it just run! 😀 Need to find a time to install… Continue reading Ubuntu 9.04

Streamyx – The BEST broadband service in Malaysia

Paid for broadband 512k and get 9.6k dial up modem speed, this is the BEST broadband service in Malaysia. In Taiwan I can download whole Ubuntu CD in 30 minutes while watching Youtube without lagging.

Google Chrome

I like Google‘s stuffs (except for Picasa, I prefer Flickr). Been downloaded Google Chrome, a new browser from Google. Works like charm, looks cool too. No problem at all to write this post. 😀 Greetings from Taiwan!

MySQL round down decimal number to nearest 0 or 5

Inspired by this post, I came out a way to round down a decimal number to nearest 0 or 5 in MySQL. For example: 1.27 -> 1.25, 3.23->3.20 MySQL code: SELECT TRUNCATE(value * 2, 1) / 2;

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